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How to Run a Marketing Campaign?


How to run a marketing campaign

What is a marketing Campaign

A marketing Campaign:-

  • Is an initiative that exists outside of your ongoing marketing tasks.
  • Has a budget (even if it’s ₹0)
  • Has a specific desired outcome
  • Starts and ends on a specific date

An example of a marketing campaign might be…

You’re trying to attract new clients in a particular area, so you host a neighborhood event, advertise in the local paper etc. At the same time, you still continue your normal marketing operation—running Facebook and Google Adwords ads, writing blog content, and so on.

Choose your End Goal

Before you do anything else, define your objective. The more quantifiable your goal, the better outcome you get. Not only is it easier to have success when you’ve got a clear-cut goal, it also helps you plan.

Here are seven common high-level marketing campaign goals. Pick one, then make it as specific as possible.

  • Promote a new product
  • Increase sales
  • Increase customers
  • Improve retention rate
  • Improve percentage of repeat customers
  • Get good publicity
  • Raise brand awareness

Set Your Campaign Budget

You don’t want to come up with a great idea, work out the costs, and then realise it’s out of your financial reach. Setting a budget based on what you can afford helps you avoid this issue.

Identity Your Target Audience

Next, figure out whom you’re targeting. Understanding the needs of your audience will help you craft valuable and memorable marketing campaigns.

Here are a few characteristics you may want to consider:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Location
  • Income bracket
  • Job title
  • Education level
  • Interests
  • Biggest challenges

Design Your Content

The next essential component of a marketing campaign is the content. The content of your marketing campaign conveys a certain message and contains your call to action (CTA).

Your CTA should be specific and obvious to the people you are marketing to. It’s generally considered a marketing best practice to only include one CTA per campaign, in order to avoid confusing people.

Choose Your Channels

In this step, your promotion channels are your ingredients.

Typical channels include:-

  • Email
  • Direct mail
  • Social media
  • TV, events
  • Trade shows
  • Online advertising
  • Digital media
  • Print media
  • Publicity

An effective marketing campaign incorporates multiple channels to “touch” potential customers as many times and in as many ways as possible.


Keep careful track of the results. Your tracking methods are detached upon your end goal. If, on the other hand, you’re trying to get happy reviews, you might record how many good ones you received as a direct result of the campaign. 

Analyze the Result

Here’s where having an extremely clear-cut goal comes in handy. To judge whether the campaign was a success, simply ask yourself, “Did it meet my original goal?”

These questions are also valuable:

  • Which components were most helpful toward meeting the goal? Least and most helpful?
  • Would I repeat this campaign? Why or why not?
  • Which aspect of the campaign was the simplest? Most frustrating too?
  • What did we learn about our customers?
  • Were we operating under any wrong assumptions?

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