In India out of the total internet users 71% of them are using actively social media. Daily using time aslo increased in after lock down happened in India. So , social media are now a important place for brands to do their marketing , branding and positioning.
Many Small and Medium business are also growing with the help of social media , by making viral content in the platforms like Youtube , Facebook and Instagram mostly . Apart from that other platforms like linkedin, Quora , Pinterest are also best for your business promotion .
“Viral social media brand can be made , with the help of viral content”
So Viral content makes your Brand Viral in social media .
What Makes Content Viral ?
Audiance Engagement
Audiance engagement is most vital aspect to make a content viral may be its a video ,Photo , artical or any simple post . Engagement means How many audiance organically like , upvote , comment and share your content you have posted in your social media page .
Audiance Retention
Audiance retaintation Means how many times or how much time your audiance watch or view your content in the social media platforms , which makes your content go viral. From the retaintion , social media platforms knows that the content you shared is valuable . So , they organically promote the content.
How to make a viral content in social media ?
1.Create an unique or unusual content
If you wanted your customer will love your content then you have to create a unique content or unusal content . This will make you stand out from your competitor brands in the platform. Customer get boored to see the same type of content again and again , so start creating a unusal content . Surprise and delight your customer with the content , or create something which beyond the expectation of your audiance . That kind of content help you to go viral.
2. Add story and emotions in the content
Don’t make booring and promotional content for your customer , try adding a story in your content which help your audiance for better engagement. Also add emotions into your content which also create a better engagement . “Emotions will create a great retaintion ” . If you are helping , doing any social activity ,any funny documentry or Funny way demonstration of your product or services will help adding emotions to your content.
3. Help your customer through your content
If your are selling Kitchen utensils , try making content about Food recipies or how your products help your customer in cooking and storing .
If you are a School , Coaching class or any educational institute then make content about related topic , start a quiz this will help students .
Like the above example start creating content which help your customer . If your customer get helped from you definitely they engage with your brand , product or services.
4. Use video content
In a Study we found that , audiance engagement will comes more in video content , rather then any simple picture , or graphical post . So you need to add more and more video contant in your social medias. Also make short videos this will create more engagement . Now Youtube shorts , Instagram reels and many short video platfroms are getting good amount of customer retention.
5. Use Mems Content
Do you know ? Everyone loves to reads Mems , Mems are most creative way of promoting your brand’s content . Today if we surfing FB, Insta, Twitter and Quora we found Mems , also you will see that Mems have more engagement than a normal post .
But Don’t create any mems for your brand which hurts other’s sentiment or feeling .
6. Don’t add promotional lines
You know customer hates to see promotions , Audiance don’t like any promotional lines or any kind of direct ask from brand .
for Example – In a video your describe about your product’s USP then ask your audiance to buy , to call or to book . with limited offer , hurry up , don’t miss etc . These are the promotional lines , which customer hates mostly.
Above this type of content do not create a good organic engagement , these are only better for paid ads.
If you follow these tricks and try making viral contents then definitely your brand goes viral in social media platforms. Whether you are small or medium businesses.
If you don’t know how to create a viral contetn then we have SMO Experts in our team who can create a viral content for you . Contact Our team -+91-8144032197 or mail us –